13 500+ paternity tests
performed since 2008

DNAForce Inc.: Your Trusted Source for Accurate Paternity and Kinship DNA Testing

Introduction: In the realm of genetic exploration, DNAForce Inc. stands as a pioneering force, providing cutting-edge home DNA testing kits for paternity, maternity, and kinship testing. With a dedicated branch office in Johannesburg, South Africa, we bring accurate and reliable genetic insights to families across the nation. Our user-friendly process, quick turnaround time, and rigorous testing standards make us the go-to choice for individuals seeking clarity about their biological relationships.

Paternity DNA Testing: Unveiling the Truth with Precision:

At DNAForce Inc., we recognize the profound significance of paternity testing in determining familial relationships. Our home DNA testing kit empowers clients to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Ordering is a breeze via our website, with kits delivered straight to your doorstep. The kit contains simple instructions for collecting DNA samples, involving swabs of the alleged father’s and child’s mouth.

The STR Test: Unmasking Truth with 21 Markers:

Central to our paternity testing is the Short Tandem Repeat (STR) test, analyzing 21 genetic markers. This comprehensive approach ensures unparalleled accuracy, with results boasting a minimum of 99.9% reliability. Our state-of-the-art laboratory, accredited with ISO 17025 certification, employs advanced techniques to decipher genetic codes with utmost precision.

Understanding the urgency surrounding paternity revelations, DNAForce Inc. expedites the testing process. After receiving your samples, we deliver results within a mere 2 days. This rapid turnaround is facilitated by our skilled technicians, advanced equipment, and rigorous quality control protocols.

Accurate, Convenient, and Discreet:

Our commitment to accuracy extends beyond results to encompass every facet of the testing journey. The privacy of our clients is paramount, and our discreet packaging and secure procedures ensure confidentiality. With a streamlined process from order to result, DNAForce Inc. ensures that uncovering paternity truths is as convenient as it is accurate.

Beyond Paternity: Maternity and Kinship DNA Testing:

While paternity testing takes center stage, DNAForce Inc. caters to a wider array of familial inquiries. Our maternity test serves to confirm biological motherhood, employing the same meticulous testing methods that underlie our paternity tests. With results as accurate as 99.9%, the bond between mother and child can be reaffirmed with certainty.

Unveiling Kinship: Unlocking the Bonds of Extended Family:

Expanding our offerings, we introduce the kinship test—an invaluable tool for exploring relationships beyond the immediate family. Whether confirming siblingship, grandparentage, avuncularity, or cousinhood up to the 5th degree, this test delves into genetic connections with remarkable accuracy.

The Kinship Test: A Comprehensive Marker Approach:

Unlike paternity testing, kinship testing delves deeper, utilizing a staggering 100,000 genetic markers. This expansive approach guarantees results of unparalleled accuracy, reaching up to 99% for relationships as distant as 6th cousins. While this extended analysis demands patience, taking 2-3 months, the insights gained are well worth the wait.

Closing Thoughts: Empowering Discovery through Genetics:

DNAForce Inc. stands as a beacon of trust and accuracy, offering a range of DNA testing services that reshape our understanding of familial connections. From swift paternity revelations to comprehensive kinship insights, our home DNA testing kits pave the way for informed decisions and enriched relationships. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to genetic precision, DNAForce Inc. is your partner in unlocking the secrets encoded in your DNA.

In a world where connections matter more than ever, let DNAForce Inc. be your bridge to understanding, acceptance, and truth. Order your kit today, and embark on a journey of genetic discovery that could forever change how you perceive your bonds with loved ones.



About DNAForce Inc.: Established in 2008, DNAForce Inc. stands as a beacon of trust and accuracy in the field of DNA testing. With over a decade of experience, we've proudly assisted thousands in their quest for genetic clarity, boasting over 15,000 tests sold. Whether it's paternity, maternity, or kinship testing, our commitment to precision has made us a top choice for those seeking answers in the intricate maze of DNA. When you choose DNAForce Inc., you're choosing a legacy of excellence, accuracy, and unparalleled customer trust.

Seeking Genetic Clarity? Connect with Us! The journey to uncovering your genetic truths starts with a simple step: reaching out. At DNAForce Inc., we offer state-of-the-art paternity, maternity, and kinship tests tailored to your needs. If you're looking for definitive answers and unmatched accuracy, look no further. Contact us today to embark on your journey to genetic clarity. Let DNAForce Inc. be your trusted guide to the answers you seek.

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